Monday, December 28, 2009

5 Sure Fire Ways To Win Your SEO Clients’ Hearts

5 Sure Fire Ways To Win Your SEO Clients’ Hearts

You just snagged a deal with a client. Everything seems to flow smoothly and according to plan. You’re able to deliver the goods, but somewhere along the way, you client become restless and starts playing hardball.

And you wonder what could you be possibly doing wrong? Why is the deal running not so smoothly, where in fact you’re doing everything that you promised to do. How can you re-establish rapport with your client especially when your SEO deal is still ongoing?

Here are five easy ways of improving your relationship with SEO clients.

1. Check if you’re bringing the goods you promised

If you set a deadline to achieve first page SERPs ranking for you client’s site, check whether you have achieved it. If not and you’re already nearing the deadline, explain to your client your progress. And assure him that you’re going to achieve the agreed target.

If you think that you won’t be able to achieve the set target, explain to your clients the reason why you’re not going to meet the deadline and if possible ask for a reconsideration or extension. Then work doubly hard to make sure that you achieve the target the next time as earlier as you can.

2. Explain intangible SEO results/achievements

Use all the available analytics tools to explain to your client what your SEO work has achieved so far for the client’s website. Present site traffic trending, traffic spikes and downturns and site related statistics in the simpler terms that can be understood by your client. These results/achievements may not be fully understood by your client so much so that the client may think that you are not doing anything. So, it is of utmost important that the client understand the nature of SEO work.

3. Listen to client’s follow-up requirements

If in case your client demands some extra output from you, gladly listen and find out whether what is being asked for is achievable and within reason. Avoid replying in a negative way, unless you want to lose your client’s trust. If what the client is asking for is not achievable, explain the prerequisites to achieve it and negotiate whether the client is amenable to amending your SEO contract to reflect the changes in the client’s requirements.

4. Explain what you are doing in the simplest layman’s terms possible

We got to admit that the SEO field is full of technical jargons that only we SEO workers can understand. Hence to improve your relations with your clients, it is a must that the two of you are in the same level of understanding in terms of general knowledge about SEO terminologies.

5. Establish a personal relationship

Many people will tend to disagree with this point. And there’s nothing wrong with that since SEO is still a business endeavor and so client relationship must remain at the business level. But then, the SEO field is still an informal industry characterized by workers who go against the norms if those norms are not technically related. So there’s nothing really wrong about establishing a good relations with client. And to achieve “good client relations” that relationship may or can extend to a more personal level.

Being friendly towards another still works, no matter how old of a business trick it is.

Courtesy: Seroi

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Great blogging services

A professional can fudge his personal blogs but on the other hand, layman need to think twice about the tools, services and the way to have their own blogs.Many technology consultants earns heavily for providing technical consultancy of "dos and don’t".In different purpose a blog site feeding different interesting topics with unique frequently posts can make a blog site popular in short time.

On this post, we are trying to enlist some great blogging service, which is giving for free. While rendering this web we’ve tested maximum blogging service and found lots of website giving free blogging service without better service quality, we left those web companies.So top most services are listed as follows:

  1. WordPress

    wordpress Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    Without any knowledge of web server, websites, bloging service or any previous experiences of blogging system anyone can signup for an free account for blogging. They are giving 3 GB free space and unlimited bandwidth and as well user can connect his/her domain with them.

  2. Edublogs

    edublogs Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    World’s largest blogging service where only educators are gathering. A teacher and a student connect with each others with faster way and they can share, exchange their knowledge and rich self expertise.

  3. Blogsome

    blogsome Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    WordPress MU platform based blogging platform and a fastest growing company which giving free sub domains. They says, it’s easy to signup, easy to manage and easy to get a free blog site.

  4. Blogetery

    Free wordpress hosting service giving to their user. You can connect your domain with them and it’s really awesome.

  5. Blogger

    blogger Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    Top one blogging service on internet. Blogger is great for customization but wordpress is smarter then blogger’s content management system. Blogger was acquired by Google Inc. Blogger giving 1 GB free space plus unlimited bandwidth for free.

  6. Tumblr

    tumblr Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    A simple, slick, rich and smooth blogging service. A newbie can start his first blogging experiences with and they are giving free access, domain connection, theme customization features too.

  7. Weebly

    What to get a free site? Weebly giving free blog site opening service, free hosting, design choosing and so on features. All things are given by free of cost and as well it’s looks so professional and advertisement free.

  8. Vox

    vox Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    This blogging service which is part of sixapart and you can create your personal blogging platform for free.

  9. Xanga

    xanga Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    By socially you can start your blogging and you can get a sub-domain for free of cost.As well you can grow your social networks under xanga’s service.

  10. LiveJournal

    livejournal Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    If you’re keeping every day’s experiences on internet by blogging, Livejournal is a great place to express your life style. They are giving blogging space and easily to create your blog page, within a few you can get one account, as well they supporting open id access.

  11. Multiply

    multy Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    Social networking and blogging service both are merged by them. When you’re opening social networks, automatically you can get blogging service beneath same user account. You can upload photos and make your own photo galleries and as well grow your networks. It has drawback that It’s showing advertisement on your networks or blog site.

  12. Windows Live Spaces

    windows Top 10 great blogging services that host your blog for free

    Microsoft has blogging service, known as Windows Live Spaces. They are giving free of cost but need an email account and lots of limitations it has and as well normally it’s showing advertisement to your blog site and management system is so poor.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A New Age For Search Marketers

We are in the midst of the largest algorithmic changes to Google’s relevancy since the Florida Update of 2003, and perhaps even the largest change for how marketers approach search since Google and Inktomi revolutionized the concept of citation based rankings. The interesting part of this change is that it is not focused on one concept, but rather several, that mixed together change the face of search as we move into the new year.

What makes this change so important is that the future of search, whether it be Search “2.0″ or Caffeine oriented, is based on much more than the relevancy factors of content, links, queries and relevant infrastructure. This new “Search-o-morphis” brings factors into play which include site usability, site mobility, the presence of the site socially and also more and more offpage factors which go beyond traditional linking.

  • Personalized Search Changes
  • Real Time Search
  • Growth of Android and Personalized Mobile Search
  • Social Search
  • Bing Growing into legitimate option 2

These concepts individually have an effect, but combined they leave search relevancy heading in a direction that will leave SERPs looking far different than they did in 2009.

Looking at the way these changes are making search as a whole move, SEOs are going to have to focus on two new concepts in their marketing plan in 2010:

1. Social Media
2. Mobile Search

Why is social media so important? Well, since social media is such an all encompassing metric, let’s look at one aspect of social media : the sharing of information.

In 1998, links were important in the Google Citation algorithm because links were the way that people shared information and gave recommendations online. In 1998, in order to link to something, you usually had to hardcode a link in the HTML of your website. Doing so could take minutes to code, and hours to FTP via dial up, and if someone put that much time into linking to a site … well, that site must be of value, wouldn’t it have?

With blogging, things changed. Blogging came into the forefront in 2003 with Google’s acquisition of and ultimately Google’s launch of AdSense; which monetized blogs and led to a new economic culture of self publishing. With anyone having the ability to launch a blog with the click of a button, any novice now had the ability to link. Links are easier to achieve, easier to manipulate and much more valuable, since the link is no longer the voice of few, but the voice of many.

Enter microblogging and socially networked sharing, with Twitter and more predominantly Facebook. If Twitter is to an HTML link what Facebook is to mass blog linking. This analogy means basically that in my opinion, Twitter will hit its early adopter plateau while almost anyone will join Facebook, connect with friends and share information with others.

What’s our point?

Our point is that if Google is to still work off of a citation based algorithm based on relevant conversations and suggestions of websites using keywords, then the engine is going to have to catch up to the world of social media. Because bloggers don’t just blog anymore, they share thoughts and relevant information on Twitter and Facebook. If Dave’s mom reads something interesting, he’ll share it on Facebook. If Loren’s wife runs across a great recipe, she may tweet it out. Hence, microblogging.

If blogging has become microblogging, then linking should become micro-linking (ie. URL Shorteners).

If Google fails to incorporate social media signals via Twitter & Facebook sharing, TinyURL’s and other conversations … then they would be ignoring the direction of the Internet.

Monday, December 21, 2009

30 Resources on Google; SEO Changes in 2010

Google changes faster than you can blink right now. Just some buzzwords that will bug you in 2010:

  1. Google Caffeine
  2. Google Real Time search
  3. Google Personalized search results
  4. Google Living Stories
  5. Google Phone
I could go on like for a while. It’s not my intention to confuse you even more though. I want to shed some light on the near future of Google, search and SEO. It’s a daunting task as I’m overwhelmed as well.

Thus I picked 30 resources on Google, search & SEO changes in 2010 from around the search industry and some main stream sources.

These articles explain some or several of the upcoming changes.

Google Caffeine

Google Real Time Search

Google Personalized Search

Google Living Stories

Google Phone

Google Breadcrumbs

Misc. Resources

Courtesy: 30 Resources on Google, Search & SEO Changes in 2010